Letter to the Editor

Nigerians beware of CORONAVIRUS

Dear Editor, This is what is going on around the world now. Please share with your assembly in order to keep everyone healthy:—- Awareness should be aggressively spread about this new virus known as the Coronavirus. It was recently discovered in China, where it was found to have killed ten[Read More…]

Please be Extra Vigilant

I got this from a friend and it worth sharing. Being vigilant cannot be too over-emphasized. Please read and digest. At home yesterday I got an sms and it read “Honey am coming home”..it was strange cos my husband doesn’t call me that.. He calls me by name.. I called[Read More…]

Nerc Hypocracy

The feeble denial of Nerc on their website of an existing intending to increase tarrif won’t deter us from the action we have highlighted for ourselves at all electricity consumers protection forum. We won’t let us be caught off guard as it’s obvious the post made here today me must[Read More…]

NERC Hepocracy

The feeble denial of Nerc on their website of an existing intending to increase tarrif won’t deter us from the action we have highlighted for ourselves at all electricity consumers protection forum. We won’t let us be caught off guard as it’s obvious the post made here today me must[Read More…]