Consumer Education

Group reacts to mass disconnection order by Ikeja Electric.

In a bid to collect bills owed by consumers in March 2020 by Ikeja electric, the organisation issue statement on their intention to embark on Mass disconnection of consumers who failed to pay the estimated bill even without effects to the capping templates as directed by Nerc. Our engagement with the GM ,corporate communications, Mr. Felix Ofolue indicates that the organisation was not about doing business in accordance with regulatory body directive but purely on an unwholesome practice. In response to the question posed to him as to why mass disconnection when his organisation failed to issue the aforementioned March Bill to consumers without following capping templates, he has this to say

“It is just so funny that when everyone was enjoying steady electricity, no one talked about capping. Then when it is now time to pay the bills, we remember capping”.

With this response from Mr. Felix , it’s obvious the organisation is deliberately out to milk the struggling masses regardless of what the law says in Nerc directive on estimated bill capping .

Hence, we resolve thus,

It’s also instructive to know that All electricity consumers protection forum is ready to help in seen that consumers pay as at when due only if they are bill according to consumption and according to the directive of the regulatory body as it relates to capping. Same way we won’t fold our arms watching any discos to reap off the masses of their hard earned money. The regulatory body will be there to sanction where applicable and necessary as we will push that to happen especially against Ikeja electric because it’s obvious, your organisation has penchat to flagrant disobedience to regulatory directive not favourable to them but quick to implement even without recourse to ripple effect won’t consumers that’s which of beneficiary to the discos. The executive of the group already taken a position on discos attitude especially Ikeja electric towards capping implementation and we won’t waver until the needful is done . This response too will form party of the paragraph in our letter to Nerc on it.

Kehinde Jones
General secretary,

All electricity consumers protection forum.

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