Consumer Nigeria
Consumer Education

CONSUMERS: Welcome to The Assembly

As we take-off with this initiative, we like to set the tone of engagement by explicit on the essence and terms in a way that will help all stakeholders. CONSUMERS’ ASSEMBLY is borne out of a strong conviction towards service, which scope is all encompassing; a commitment that kept expanding in dimension. Finally, here we are.

As an idea, CONSUMERS’ ASSEMBLY was borne out of the need to enable the market situation ideal for its objectivity and mutually rewarding engagement such that will serve the interests of all stakeholders.

As a platform, it is a dedication to professional management of those market and brand ingredients operative in Consumer/Brand relationship at the market place. On a broader scale, it is focused on growing commercial activities by paying attention to those areas of possible conflict of interest among known market forces.

As an engagement, CONSUMERS’ ASSEMBLY is the deliberate investment of professional competences and experience of seasoned professionals in brands and marketing journalism towards guiding Consumer-Brand engagement for value optimisation from every perspective.

Whereas our standpoint is our commitment to improving on the quality of CONSUMERS’ experience, ours is unique in its operating pattern; we shall engage from the end-point by enabling brands insight into consumers’ experience and expectation, such that will guide discerning brands in the direction of growing market performance and optimising returns on investment through a proper understanding of those expectations they can deliver on to so-grow.

Our mandate (in line with the certification by the Federal Competition & Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC), is to PROTECT CONSUMER RIGHTS.

Protecting the rights of consumers is open to many interpretations, and that of legal approach is most evident. It explains the idea of contractual engagement ad redress in cases of violations based on the implications of the contractual agreement.

The immediate implication, legally, is to seek and assure execution of necessary redress whenever the buyer is not seen to have been rightly served by that for which he/she has made purchase (and paid for).
There is also the perspective of an admixture of legality and moral responsibility, as is with the position of the Late American president, John F. Kennedy, when in 1962; he made a presentation to Congress seeking special consideration for the rights of consumers. His presentation laid out the responsibility of manufacturers and trade to the consumers. In his presentation, manufacturers/owners of goods and services are under obligation to ensure the consumer is adequately served. JFK was persuaded on the morality of commercial engagement in the face of evident distortions between brand promises and actual delivery and the implication on the consumer, to seek legislation for legal protection for the CONSUMER.

So, CONSUMERS have rights that must be protected.
Our position as brands and marketing Journalists, also as marketing communication practitioners, however, is that there is a need to deepen the commitment of trade (sell side) and the understanding of the consumer (buy-side) towards a common ground for interaction and engagement that will soften the defensive and attack positions of both interests without doubling-down on the invocation of legality, so that friendship and self-conviction will replace antagonism for forceful adherence to established standards. We engage for CONSUMER awareness/information, education and enlightenment, while we work with BRANDS for insight into consumer experience and expectation, for a mutually beneficial interaction.

As partners with FCCPC, we shall drive conversation on topical issues of importance to all stakeholders at the market place; we shall engage intellectual resources for brand-consumer relations, grow consumer awareness and enlightenment of brands and their constituent-parts for a more appropriate appreciation of what constitutes CONSUMER RIGHTS. We have invested in improving consumer-brand relationship by establishing this platform known as CONSUMERS’ ASSEMBLY for consumers’ consultation and referencing.

CONSUMERS’ ASSEMBLY website shall continue to develop intellectual/professional contents towards serving the purposes of consumer-brand interaction and engagement by ex-raying on market developments across segment, with a view to highlighting those developments that are either threat to FCCCs mandate, consumer interests or indicative of clear and determined efforts by brands to support FCCPCs efforts of improving consumers; well-being.

CONSUMERS’ ASSEMBLY website is open to consultation by consumers and brands. We shall primarily serve consumers’ interests in the areas of information/education, enlightenment & advocacy, and relate with brands in partnership towards growing consumer empathy for improved market performance. This platform is given expression in social media and interactive/consultative events such as symposia, seminars and forum to enable broader participation of every stakeholder. CONSUMERS’ ASSEMBLY is for and about the CONSUMER, so we request their participation. We welcome reports of instances of consumer rights compromise, brand-specific complaints, need for redress, observations and commendation. Brand shall also enjoy right to reaction for balanced opinion.

As we start, we invite advertising practitioners, interested members of the public, brands, industry regulators…to join in this new effort at strengthening our market for the good of us all.

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