
CELEBRATING 2021 World Tourism Day: Adamawa State Is Open For Tourism Development

‘’ Tourism for Inclusive Growth’’ is the theme for World Tourism Day 2021. This year’s official celebration will be hosted by Cote d’voire , country on the coast Western Africa , with Abidjan the de facto capital and Yamoussoukro the administrative capital ) It is celebration of tourism’s ability to drive inclusive development and the role it plays in promoting respect, while generating opportunities for millions across the globe.

Many people around celebrate the United Nations (UN) World Tourism Day, which is on the 27th September of each year. The day aims to foster awareness among the international community of the importance of tourism and its social, cultural , political and economic values.

The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) invites people worldwide to participate in World Tourism Day on September, 27 every year. UNWTO Secretary General-, Antonio Guterres ( current Secretary General) annually sends out a message to the general public to mark the occasion. Many tourism enterprises and organizations as well as government agencies with a special interest in tourism to celebrate the event with various special events and festivities.

Different types of competitions such as photo competitions promoting tourism, as well as tourism awards presentations in areas such as eco-tourism are held on World Tourism Day. Other activities include free entries to tourist centres , discounts or especial offers for the general public to any site of tourism interest, discount on hotel accommodations/ events centres by individuals, corporate bodies or associations, courtesy calls to government and community leaders, may hold press briefings / conference, make public announcements or offer special tours or fares to promote both their region / state and World Tourism Day on or around September 27.

The World Tourism Day is a UN observance and it is not a public holiday. Tourism has experienced continued growth and deeper diversification to become one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world. Modern tourism is closely linked and include more new destinations for tourists. These dynamics turned tourism into a key driver for socio – economic progress. Tourism has become one of major players in international commerce, and represents at the same time one of the main income sources for many developing countries.

The UNWTO decided in late September 1979 to institute World Tourism Day, which was first celebrated on September, 27 , 1980. September 27 was chosen as the date for World Tourism Day because it comes at the end of the high tourist season in the Northern Hemisphere and the start of the tourist season.

Tourism is the hardest hit of all sectors by COVID-19 pandemic. No country has been unaffected . Restrictions on travel and a sudden drop in consumer demand have led to unprecedented fall in international tourism numbers which in turn have led to economic loss and loss of jobs. But with steps being taken to curb the COVID- 19 epidemic , the industry is overcoming the challenges gradually and waxing stronger.

Nigeria under the planning and coordination of Federal Ministry of Information and Culture is celebrating the 2021 World Tourism Day, with Kebbi State Government serving as Host State. States are expected to send in delegates and also celebrate at states levels, with different special events.
In the 1970s, the tourism sector was largely unregulated as the government at all levels seemed to underestimate its potential.

However, with the advent of regulatory mechanisms or bodies during the 1990’s the approach adopted towards the development of the tourism industry has become more defined and inclined to embrace a wider utilization of tourism related resources.

This approach has facilitated the emergence of diverse tourisms activities such as game hunting fishing around the rivers, canoeing . Adamawa is said to be “a melting pot of cultural diversity” The over 70 ethnic groups of the state exhibit rich cultural festivals and atractions.

The Phuki Festival, Njuwa Fishing Festival, three Sister Rocks , Koma Hills, Gashaka – Gumti Game Reserve ,Hills, Koma Hills, Kwete Festival, Elephant Houses , among other festivals and attractions are rich and untapped.
Tourism is one of the world’s fastest growing industries and has the potential to enhance sustainable development by its prosperity to promote accelerate growth income increase, improved transportation and conservation of eco-system, among other variables, Tourism attractions abound in Nigeria and Adamawa State has more than fair share of tourism tourisms potentials.

Adamawa State is well noted for rich cultural heritage which is reflected in its past history, Most tourism attractions in Adamawa State are in rural areas. Mass rural tourism can therefore be exploited by the Ahmadu Fintiri-led government; which will include strategic alignment in tourism planning development, marketing and monitoring” of all tourism and hospitality projects.

The Ahmadu Fintiri led government is commended on going construction roads and flyover bridges in Jimeta, Yola. Adamawa State got it first –ever flyover 30 years after it was created. It is said to be first flyover bridge in North – East , Nigeria . Former Vice President His Excellency, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar ( Waziri Adamawa ) , commissioned the first flyover bridge – the Total Junction flyover to mark the two years in office of His Excellency, Ahmadu Fintiri as the Executive Governor of Adamawa State. Adamawa ; and urban roads were also commissioned in Numan, Michika, Hong , Yola – North , Yola- South to the connection of Toungo to the National Grid.

The flyover bridge first of its kind in the North –East region of Nigeria , great achievement. The traffic will now be better as there will free flow of vehicles, accidents will reduce drastically and it will add colour and beauty to the capital city. Above all, the flyover bridges and urban roads commissioned and some on-going together with other hotels , events centres being constructed ( private sector contribution) will make Adamawa State , ‘’ land of Beauty ‘’ conference tourism destination .

The completion of 180-bedroom , 4-star Yola International Hotel, Yola , rehabilitation , furnishing and upgrading project contract awarded since 2006 , suffered poor management and abandoned will not only give more give more colour and enhance the state capital status , will enhance the state revenue generation profile and create employment t. Such efforts should be extended to Sukur World Heritage Site Resort Project , located in Madagali Local Government Area, Adamawa State , burnt at furnishing by terrorists on 14/12/2014.

At the moment Adamawa State lacks a Tourism Development Master Plan. A Tourism Development Master Plan provides an organized and structured framework for tourism potentials of the state development and promotion . Adamawa State Government should formulate a long- term development framework for tourism (10-20 years) with emphasis on policy and strategy , planning, institutional strengthening and regulation, product development and diversification , marketing and promotion , tourism infrastructure and superstructure.

Attention should be paid to the planning, development, marketing, management and monitoring of Adamawa State and indeed Nigerian tourism potentials more than ever before. Adamawa state and Nigeria can learn from south Africa , a country that has made a great success of tourism industry. It is said that South Africa so understands the importance of marketing itself as a destination that its adverts always run on in-flights TV screens, including on aeroplanes coming into Nigeria , with over 5,000 visitors/tourist everyday , for instance, the apartheid Museum in Johannesburg is a huge revenue –spinner for the Southern African Country. But also are the El Mina Castle and kacum Park in Ghana, Adamawa State, Nigeria’s next door.

Let’s Celebrate 2021 World Tourism Day in style and with fanfare.
Adamawa State is open for tourism development. We look forward to welcoming you !!!!!!

MYENGURON , Wilson Jehu is the Managing Partner of Messrs:
Sahel Hospitality Development & Management Limited, based in Abuja, Nigeria.

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