Lions Clubs discusses new ways to strengthen humanitarian services at a retreat

Lions Clubs District 404B2 Nigeria, under the leadership of Lion Kayode Oshinuga had recently, in line with its global objectives, organized its First Strategic Retreat aimed at preparing the Clubs leaders and its members ahead on the challenges of leading and driving a 21st century humanitarian and service organization.

At a three-day retreat held at Western Sun Hotel, Ede, Osun State, with the theme “Reflect, Rethink Refocus For Development and Excellence,” speakers who spoke at the event took members through how to inculcate a positive mindset that focuses on Clubs growth, members’ welfare and development, and excellence services delivery.

Speaking at the event, the Retreat Moderator, Past District Governor (PDG) Lion (Dr) Christine Funke Adebajo said; “as the theme states, the retreat focused on reflecting, rethinking, and refocusing for excellence.

According to her, “the retreat reviewed our District’s current state with the view to charting a progressive path for the District’s immediate and future whereby, our District could attain the best District in the Multiple District in all ramifications.”

Speaking on how the retreat will add value to leadership in the District, she said ”The retreat afforded us to take some far-reaching decisions that are aimed at radically transforming our District positively, noting that, emphasis was placed on leadership development.”

“this includes mapping out a sound succession plan that includes competent and well-grounded leaders.
Leaders that have the capacity for learning and retraining. Leaders with the right vision are capable of placing District 404B2 in one of the best and topmost position among clubs in Multiple District 404 and at the international level.” She added.

On what change to see in the nearest future, Lion Christine Funke Adebajo stated, “I expect many progressive changes including quality membership growth with the aim of the District bifurcating. I expect the District to have its own befitting purpose-built secretariat. I expect us to take on more impactful services in the communities.”

She pointed out that, “such services that will maintain our current best service organizational position in the world as it is presently known. I want to see many signature projects that will project the image of Lions clubs in particular District 404B2.”

“I expect us to improve our image by focusing on organizational branding. LEO clubs development is vital in our association’s succession plan hence I expect our District to focus more on the formation of LEO clubs and put in place an effective LEO conversion process. I expect all these changes within the next three years by the special grace of God.” She noted.

On his part, the District Governor, District 404B2, Nigeria, Lion Kayode Oshinuga, commenting on the First Strategic District Retreat, commended all and sundry who played one role or the other to ensure the success of the retreat.

According to him, I’ll also thank and appreciate all the leaders, especially our Elders and participants that endured an intensive two days of rigorous brainstorming sessions, to fashion out blueprints for the future of our dear District.

“To the resource persons both within and outside the District, whose presentations set us in the right mood for the critical discussions held, you’re all dearly appreciated.” He noted.

He further said; “to members of Ede Royal Lions Club, I say a big thank you for your generosity and hospitality. Having now concluded the retreat with far-reaching decisions and resolutions, the job of transforming our district to a model and a leading district has just begun.”

“The next stages of implementation, monitoring and delivery are most important and crucial and would require the involvement of all and sundry,” the District Governor added

While speaking on the Retreat, the Retreat Planning Committee Chairperson, Lion Wesley O. Kafidiya, commended the participants and the organizers for making the event a reality, adding that “the passion, commitment, sacrifice and discipline displayed by all participants and most importantly the efforts put into the deep intellectual and far-reaching deliberations and outcomes of the Retreat is highly commendable.”

“We recognize and acknowledge the generous hospitality of Ede Lions. We promise that all hands will be on deck to harness and harvest the resolutions reached for excellent growth and development of our District.” She said.

At the retreat, District was divided into groups and topics amplifying the theme of the retreat given to each group to present.

In their presentations “Accelerated Membership Growth, Heightened Membership Quality, And Improved Membership Welfare, Satisfaction, And Retention was extensively discussed.

The groups recommended amongst other good Personal traits as key to attracting new members (Charity begins at home), and it was also resolved that membership drop should be seriously discouraged and minimized to the minimum of about 5%.

According to them, family members should be encouraged (Spouses, family and friends). There should be a process in order of ascension on positions in the district. Quality and robust service activities should be encouraged at all levels.

The groups also recommended that, there should be continuity for both club and district levels, ensure inclusion of every club by the district in all its activities. Clubs should increase visibility through print and social media. Meetings should be productive and precise. Mandatory leadership training for all presidents without which there will be no induction by the district.

They also called on every club to have its constitution and bye-laws and to lay more emphasis on members welfare. The district should revive the district Lions welfare scheme that clubs contribute to every Lions year. Allotment of highest points on membership growth during clubs/Presidents evaluation by the district. Recognition of Presidents of Mega clubs at every district event.

The Youth Wing of the Lions Club, LEO Club programme was also discussed. and LEO-LION conversion.

It was recommended that Town Hall meeting with the leadership of the LEO; called for the inclusion of LEO members in important leadership training such as RLLI; that political crises should be managed constructively; that proper and formal mode of dressing of all LEO and LION be enforced.

The retreat also suggested that the model/mentor be involved in scrutinizing the Lions’ budget and encourage financial reports; that the LEO welfare programme should be encouraged; that NYSC fund/partnership, as well as counterpart funding of dues, be encouraged.

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