Letter to the Editor

Nigerians beware of CORONAVIRUS

Dear Editor,

This is what is going on around the world now. Please share with your assembly in order to keep everyone healthy:—-

Awareness should be aggressively spread about this new virus known as the Coronavirus. It was recently discovered in China, where it was found to have killed ten people and infected almost 500 people in a very short time. The first case in the US was reported yesterday 1/21/20, a Chinese returning from holiday in China.

The fact that Nigeria has a whole lot of traffic from China due to trade relations presents a window of opportunity for this virus. Our governments on all levels, local, state, federal should be more proactive. We must not wait until the first cases appear in this dense and overpopulated country, with majority living on top of one another in our urban centres.

The symptoms of most Coronaviruses are similar to any other upper-respiratory infection, including runny nose, coughing, sore throat, and sometimes a fever. In most cases. A person may not know whether they have a Coronavirus or a different cold-causing virus, such as rhinovirus

“What to Do About Coronavirus

There is no vaccine for Coronavirus. To help prevent Coronavirus infection, do the same things you do to avoid the common cold:

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water or with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Keep your hands and fingers away from your eyes, nose, and mouth. Avoid close contact with people who are infected. The Coronavirus infection is basically treated the same way one would treat a cold:

Get plenty of rest.
Drink fluids.
Take over-the-counter medicine for sore throat and fever (but don’t give aspirin to children or teens younger than 19; use ibuprofen or acetaminophen instead).” Culled from WebMD.

The UK authorities at Heathrow have already set up a clearing zone. The Chinese are returning to Africa after their annual year celebrations. All African countries must also be ready and extra careful . . . . the same measures LAGOS STATE and the other states took during the Ebola crisis must be applied.

*Please ALL our doctors in the house should put pressure on our government medical authorities to help save our people by raising an aggressive campaign to save our people. The Chinese daily mingle a lot in the various markets all over the country, especially in Lagos.

Yours sincerely,

A Concerned Nigeria

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